Our sanctification is the work of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is the fulfilment of the covenant God has
made with those who bind themselves up with Him, to stand with Him, His Son, and His Spirit in holy fellowship.
Have you been born again? Have you become a new being in Christ Jesus? Then co-operate with the three great
powers of heaven who are working in your behalf. Thus you will reveal to the world the principles of righteousness.
MS 11 1901
Those who dishonor God by transgressing His law may talk sanctification, but it is of that value, and just as
acceptable, as was the offering of Cain. Obedience to all the commandments of God is the only true sign of sanctification. Disobedience is the sign of disloyalty and apostasy. MS 41 1897 14100
God has chosen men from eternity to be holy. “This is the will of God, even your sanctification.” God’s law tolerates no sin, but demands perfect obedience. The echo of God’s voice comes to us, ever saying, “Holier, holier still.” And ever our answer is to be, “Yes, Lord, holier still.” MS 113 1902 111300
Holiness is within the reach of all who reach for it by faith, not because of their good works, but because of Christ’s merits. Divine power is provided for every soul struggling for the victory over sin and Satan. MS 113 1902 111300
Justification means the saving of a soul from perdition, that he may obtain sanctification, and through sanctification, the life of heaven. Justification means that the conscience, purged from dead works, is placed where it can receive the blessings of sanctification. MS 113 1902 111300
Christ is the sinner's only hope. By his death he brought salvation within the reach of all. Through his grace all may become loyal subjects of God's kingdom. Only by his sacrifice could salvation be brought within man's reach. This sacrifice has made it possible for men and women to fulfil the conditions laid down in the councils of heaven. RH March 15, 1906, par. 7
The work of transformation from unholiness to holiness is a continuous work. Day by day God labors for man's sanctification, and man is to co-operate with him by putting forth persevering efforts in the cultivation of right habits. The way in which we are to work out our own salvation is plainly specified in the first chapter of Second Peter. Constantly we are to add grace to grace, and as we do this, God will work for us upon the plan of multiplication. He is always ready to hear and answer the prayer of the contrite heart, and grace and peace are multiplied to his faithful ones. Gladly he grants them the blessings that they need in their struggle against the evils that beset them. Those who listen to the counsels of his Word shall not want any good thing. RH March 15, 1906, par. 11
God will more than fulfil the highest expectations of those who put their trust in him. He desires us to remember that when we are humble and contrite, we stand where he can and will manifest himself to us. He is well pleased when we urge past mercies and blessings as a reason why he should bestow on us higher and greater blessings. He is honored when we love him, and bear testimony to the genuineness of our love by keeping his commandments. He is honored when we set apart the seventh day as sacred and holy. To those who do this the Sabbath is a sign, “that they might know,” God declares, “that I am the Lord that sanctify them.” Sanctification means habitual communion with God. There is nothing so great and powerful as God's love for those who are his children. RH March 15, 1906, par. 20
God requires at this time just what he required of the holy pair in Eden, perfect obedience to his requirements. His law remains the same in all ages. The great standard of righteousness presented in the Old Testament is not lowered in the New. It is not the work of the gospel to weaken the claims of God's holy law, but to bring men up where they can keep its precepts. RH Oct 5 1885 Para 19.
The faith in Christ which saves the soul is not what it is represented to be by many. “Believe, believe,” is their cry; “only believe in Christ, and you will be saved. It is all you have to do.” While true faith trusts wholly in Christ for salvation, it will lead to perfect conformity to the law of God. Faith is manifested by works. And the apostle John declares, “He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.” RH Oct 5 1885 Para 20.
It is unsafe to trust to feelings or impressions; these are unreliable guides. God's law is the only correct standard of holiness. It is by this law that character is to be judged. If an inquirer after salvation were to ask, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” the modern teachers of sanctification would answer, “Only believe that Jesus saves you.” But when Christ was asked this question he said, “What is written in the law? How readest thou?” And when the questioner replied, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, ... and thy neighbor as thyself,” Jesus said, “Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live.” True sanctification will be evidenced by a conscientious regard for all the commandments of God, by a careful improvement of every talent, by a circumspect conversation, by revealing in every act the meekness of Christ. RH Oct 5 1885 Para 21.
The true follower of Christ will make no boastful claims to holiness. It is by the law of God that the sinner is convicted. He sees his own sinfulness in contrast with the perfect righteousness which it enjoins, and this leads him to humility and repentance. He becomes reconciled to God through the blood of Christ, and as he continues to walk with him he will be gaining a clearer sense of the holiness of God's character and the far-reaching nature of his requirements. He will see more clearly his own defects, and will feel the need of continual repentance, and faith in the blood of Christ. He who bears with him a continual sense of the presence of Christ, cannot indulge self-confidence or self-righteousness. None of the prophets or apostles made proud boasts of holiness. The nearer they came to perfection of character, the less worthy and righteous they viewed themselves. But those who have the least sense of the perfection of Jesus, those whose eyes are least directed to him, are the ones who make the strongest claim to perfection.
RH Oct 5 1885 Para 24.
The great adversary of souls is mustering his forces. He is setting every device in operation in order to confuse the minds of men with specious errors, and thus destroy souls. There are too many faint, cowardly hearts in this hour of spiritual battle. Oh that our weakness may be made strong, that we may wax valiant in fight, and put to flight the armies of the aliens. Our work is not to be done in a hap-hazard manner. Satan, united with human agencies, will take advantage of every mistake. Unclean hands and unholy hearts cannot be intrusted with this sacred work. Those who profess to keep God's commandments, but whose lips and hearts have not been touched with a live coal from off his altar, should not engage in his work until they are converted. “Be ye clean that bear the vessels of the Lord.” RH Oct 12 1885 Para 7.